Drunken Dragons
19th October
The countryside hash run!
We will be taking a bus out into the countryside for a runners trail that will be around 11km and a 6km walkers trail. Featuring parks, shiggy and canals waterway to spend your Saturday afternoon! Hared by Spermoff Ice and Thatcher’s Thong. We will go Onon to a restaurant for delicious Chinese food and then the bus will head to HomeField Bar for a live performance by the hash band.
Cost 199rmb for trail, circle, bus and bash. Non drinker price of 169rmb
Sign up by sending me the money and you will be added to the 19th October group.
Meet at 11.30 for a 12 noon departure. Returning to HomeField at 8pm ish!
Raising money for heart2heart! All profits go to them! Onon
To be added to the run group please contact us at info@shanghai-h3.com subject drunken dragon run.